Sunday, October 17, 2010

A walk on 17/10

Well, I'm getting into the habit of carrying the camera around with me on walks... And here are some nice pictures I just happened to find :)

These two were just spur of the moment type pictures. Wait, when is photography not a split second decision?

This is a view up the street where I live... I love seeing things from different perspectives :)
 This one seems to be a favorite of my camera. And my eye! Looking up at the sky through some tree branches seems calming to me, for some reason or another.
 Haha! Here's another weird perspective I caught. I have no idea what those little red berry-type things are, but I know they're pretty... And very sticky if you step on them  >_> 
 Ah, the pink rose. This was actually a few feet away from me; I had to use the zoom on the camera (which isn't that amazing). Just by chance, this picture came out clear enough to see the detail in the flower & some of the brick. Quite lovely, if I do say so myself.
 Yet another, "let's look up a tree!" picture :)
 Somebody was having fun in those air planes ;)
 Another picture of some interesting looking cloud-trails (?)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Guess what!!

   Hello everyone & anyone who's reading this! If you've read any of my bio, you'd know that I play the guitar. Ever since January of this year (2010), I've been saving my money until I can upgrade my guitar. My first guitar was a Fender Squier Strat, and I'm still playing that, but not for much longer!
   I took a bike ride over to the music shop at which I ordered my upgrade, the Ibanez RG370DX. The trip was originally to return some CD's my guitar teacher lent me; I figured I could check when my upgrade would arrive at the studio. They said it should be here on Monday!! (October 4th) I'm SO happy! As I already said, I've been waiting since October, about 8 months, for this! I do have a picture of the RG370DX in the column on the top right, but it's so small I thought I'd just upload a larger one for you. Here it is:

   And since this is, after all a picture-blog, I'll upload a picture of my Fender for you :)