Friday, August 20, 2010

Cleveland, Ohio trip pictures!

Ok, here they are. The funny, the beautiful, and the... others :) I hope you enjoy them!

I found this paragraph of The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul quite amusing :)
 This is the inside of a booze bottle we got. Although it was a downer that water was the liquid in it x)
 I saw this truck on the way home while parked at a gas station. I immediately said, "I want!!". Quite a beautiful truck, if I do say so myself! It was much shiner in real life... I had to zoom a substantial distance to get a decent picture.
 This is a picture of water on the windshield that I took while my dad was spraying cleaning liquid on it. If the steering wheel wasn't in the bottom left corner, I'd  think this picture was very nice.
Those are only a few, but if you wanted to view a few more from the drive to Cleveland, take a look at this link! Just press the arrows at the top center of the screen, or to have a slideshow, press the button between the arrows :) Click here to view slideshow.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Hello again :) I have some pictures that I'd like to share.... They will be in the Adams County (Pennsylvania) fair, photography section of course! Well, here they are:

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Something I spent a little while working on...

Hello :) Yesterday (02/08/10) I was fooling around with some pictures on GIMP.... Origianlly I just wanted to brighten them so the clouds were visible, but then I got interested in... Well, let me just show you.

Keep in mind, these photos are digitally altered, so don't get confused!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Interesting pictures of the sky :)

Hello everybody! A few days ago while I was taking some trash out to the garbage bin, I looked up and was utterly stunned by what the clouds were doing that night. It seemed like I was looking at the ocean, except from a very fortunate, unplanned point of view... Here are the pictures I took.
(Sorry if they're a bit blurry, I couldn't keep my arm still for who-knows what reason!)

I hope you enjoyed them! Leave comments if you'd like!!