Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Here's another poem... Again, completely original! Please, if you want to share them, include who it was written by! I was very upset when I wrote it, so it's pretty dark.

Eternal Abyss

Why have they come here
They take our weary,
They kill our defenseless
Our warriors are few
Weapons are useless on these demons
From the Eternal Abyss they ride

Hellish things plague my thoughts
They torture me day and night
You are worthless
You are dirt from the pit of the Abyss, they say

The Time Without Light has come
Run away, hide your souls
Deathly spirits abound, they haunt the weak
They rip to fragments our young
They invade the heads of our lame
Crippling them mentally, killing their souls

Why have they come
To kill and destroy our people
They have no love, no guilt
No mercy

This is who they are,
The Demons that bring the forth Time Without Light
There is no hiding, there is no escaping

The Infinite Hell, some call it
The Ageless Inferno,a Ceaseless Underworld
The Ever-waiting Tomb

Some come here because they were dragged, without a choice
Some are drawn with promises of treasures beyond the imangination
Yet they do not realize that all the promises are lies, The Devil's Fiction
All of the others were oblivioius that this nightmare-ish misery could even exist

Yet we all end up here...
This is, the Eternal Abyss
Rachael Abrams

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